News # 15

Co-Lead DK6SP and 8R7X team member DJ4MX attended the annual Bavarian Contest Club “HL3K” meeting in Linden, Germany, last weekend. They were invited to give an update on their plans to the audience and answered their questions. After the presentation, BCC president DL1MGB surprised the DXPedition team with a highly appreciated sponsorship. This was, amongContinue reading “News # 15”

News #10

Team members DJ4MX and DK6SP recently attended a ham gathering in Erding, Germany, where they met with sponsors. They personally expressed gratitude to these contributors for their highly valued contributions to the project. Smart Radio Concepts is providing amplifiers, while HE IT-Service is supplying all computers and the network infrastructure for the setup in Guyana. The teamContinue reading “News #10”